
Felonies vs Misdemeanors – What’s the Difference?

Felonies vs Misdemeanors | 214 Release Hindieh Law

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Criminal law sorts criminal offenses into different classifications. The least severe type of offense is a violation, such as a traffic violation. Misdemeanors are much more serious than violations and felonies are treated more harshly than misdemeanors. Both misdemeanors and felonies have the potential for significant consequences. If you’re facing either type of charge, contact a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.

Types of Criminal Offenses

Under Texas criminal law, misdemeanors are organized into class A, B, and C offenses. Class A misdemeanors are considered the most serious type. An example of a class A misdemeanor is carrying a gun without a permit. Class B misdemeanors are slightly less serious than class A and an example is possession of up to two ounces of marijuana. Class C misdemeanors are the least serious, and one example is stealing property valued at less than $50.

Similarly, there are different classifications of felonies. First-degree felonies, which are the most serious, include violent crimes such as aggravated sexual assault and attempted capital murder. Second-degree felonies include aggravated assault, bigamy, robbery, and manslaughter. Some examples of third-degree felonies are aggravated perjury, intoxication assault, and tampering with evidence. Texas law also provides for state jail felonies, which include evading arrest in a vehicle, interference with child custody, and cruelty to animals.

The Severity of Legal Penalties

The more serious the crime, the more severe the legal penalties can be upon conviction. Generally, misdemeanors are punishable by no more than one year in local or state jail. However, under Texas law, there is no jail time for a class C misdemeanor, only a fine. Fines are also applicable to other misdemeanors and felonies.

Felonies are punishable by more than one year behind bars in state or federal prison.

Your Criminal Defense Attorney in Dallas, Texas

At 214 Release: Hindieh Law, PLLC, our criminal defense attorney is highly knowledgeable and experienced with all aspects of criminal law. Hindieh Law defends its primarily Hispanic and Latino clients against drug charges, violent crime charges, alcohol violations, protective order violations, and all other misdemeanor and felony charges, including crimmigration.

Call us at 214-Release (214.960.1458) for a free confidential consultation today.

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